Thursday, January 27, 2011


Today's beta came in at 534...which means a 1.7 day doubling time!  I cannot even begin to describe how excited and thankful I am.  I feel blessed beyond measure.  This is a completely different start than any of our other short-lived pregnancies, and it's the highest beta I've ever had.

As so many of you know, it's pretty impossible to keep an IVF pregnancy a secret from people who know you did IVF for very long.  I don't think we can keep the charade up with our parents much longer, so we have figured out a way to tell them both in person this weekend.  I am so excited to share good news....we have never actually made a pregnancy announcement, just "we lost a pregnancy" announcements.  If all goes well, this will be the first grandchild on A's side, and I know that both sets of parents are going to be beyond thrilled.

My goal over the next few days is to learn to let go and enjoy.  I don't know how this pregnancy will end (hopefully with labor and a beautiful little one in my arms), but for now I want to cherish each day I get to be a mommy.  This isn't easy for me, but I truly want to enjoy this pregnancy.  My sweet RE's office has agreed to do a quick ultrasound on Monday to see if we can see the gestational sac, which we should by then if things keep progressing on this track.  I think that seeing a little dark spot on the screen will be the final push I need to realize that this is really happening.   


  1. Ahhh the emotions I'm feeling for you! I'm so happy, excited, and proud that you and your hubby got here. You worked so hard for this, I'm glad you're focused on enjoying it. You deserve it.

  2. Enjoy every moment -you give me hope!

  3. I am so excited and I dont even know you!!! Sending very positive vibes your way!!

  4. great news. hope the big announcement goes well. So exciting.

  5. I'm so happy your dream is becoming a reality :)

  6. Wow your beta is fantastic! I'm so happy for you and your family!

  7. That's amazing! Congrats and good for you for staying positive and enjoying every minute!!!
    When is your DD? Mine is 9.27.11, we are probably close!

  8. I just started reading your blog after finding a link on Miss Conception. Congratulations! And, thanks for writing so beautifully and hopefully about this. I'm just starting with the RE.

  9. I'm very happy for you! I hope that having such a different start to this pregnancy means it is nice and healthy and you will have a baby in your arms soon!

    Sending lots of sticky baby dust your way!!!

  10. That is fantastic!! And learning to let go and enjoy is exactly what you need to do. It's not easy, but it's something to work towards.

  11. so so excited for you! How wonderful!

  12. Wonderful news. That's a lovely, high beta and I am thinking good thoughts for you. And I think your plan to take each day as it comes, and to enjoy the fact of this pregnancy, is spot on. And I hope you get to do it every day of the next 9 months.

  13. That is wonderful news! I can't wait to see how your family reacts. I can't wit until the day I can share some good news!

  14. I am so happy for you :)

    I gave you an award...come look :)

  15. So very exciting!!! This is wonderful!

    And don't feel bad about your friend - it's not vibes. I hope your friend gets pregnant quickly, but nobody can understand you unless they've gone through the long battle like you have. I'm sorry...
