Monday, February 7, 2011


Today I heard the most beautiful sound--the sound of one of our little guy's hearts.  I had my weekly ultrasound today (5 weeks 6 days) and there were still two perfect gestational sacs and yolk sacs, definitely bigger and more defined than last Thursday.  The doctor was able to spot the little flicker of a heartbeat on one, and somehow was able to fix the machine so we could hear it.  Wow.  The other yolk sac is so close to the side of my uterus that he couldn't find the flicker, but he didn't seem worried at all, so I'm choosing not to worry as well.  After all, we are still shy of 6 weeks. 

Every week, every day really, I fall more in love with these two little beings starting their lives inside me.  I think that during the IVF process I was glamorizing the idea of twins, thinking about how cute they would be together and how they could be each other's best friend.  The reality of two babies is sinking in more now, and though I couldn't be more excited, I am also starting to remind myself that two babies will bring its own set of challenges.  First and foremost is the challenge of keeping them healthy during gestation.  After my ultrasound, the doctor got the "due date" wheel out and was showing me that even though my technical due date is October 4th, I will likely deliver in early September.  September is a long way away though, and we still have lots of challenges ahead of us, so for now I am counting each time I see these little ones looking healthy on the screen as a victory.  


  1. Wow - just wow. This is amazing!!! Congrats on seeing and hearing the heartbeat.

  2. I could just cry. So happy for you. : )

  3. Wow, I am due on Sept 27th, but haven't gotten to the heartbeat appt yet (just going to OB) I have 4.5 weeks and I cna't wait!!
    Yay for twins! You will do a great job with your twinsies!

  4. Congratulations!!! I have triplets...and it is a lot of work but the reward is priceless!!! Dr. Luke has a book for what to expect when you are expecting Twins, Triplets & Quads that can be very helpful as a resource! Keep up the great work baking those babies!

  5. OMG that's awesome, a heartbeat!!?!?!
    Our ultrasound is next Saturday (5w6d) and I'm hoping so much to see a heartbeat or two even though its so early. You just gave me hope!

  6. What absolutely fantastic news!!

  7. So happy for you. If you do give birth by some small miracle on your Oct. 4th due date, the babies will have my birthday!

  8. I am so happy for you :)

  9. Long time lurker... I just wanted to let you know that I'm so excited for you! That must have been such an amazing experience! :) Congrats on your beautiful twins!

  10. I am hopping over from Christas blog and wanted to say congrats! Both on the pregnancy and twins! How wonderful!

    We have one son from our first IVF and are in the week wait for my FET just done.

  11. Congratulations! Hope your husband is peeling grapes for you!
