Monday, March 21, 2011

not so fast...

I stopped my meds on Friday night, and smug little me thought that this morning would be the last visit to the fertility center.  While the babies looked great, my body can't be bothered to do its job.  At 12 weeks (11 weeks 6 days actually), my natural progesterone was only at 16.  I know that 16 is above the requisite 15, but it is far too close to the line, and too far below average, for me.  I should have known this wouldn't go smoothly!  So for now it's back to a modified version of my prometrium orally and one vaginally each night.  I go back in two weeks to get tested after another two day hiatus.  Guess I need to dig the panty liners back out...


  1. sorry to hear this, hang in there. Very glad you are being monitoring so closely. Keep us posted.

  2. oh wow, this is my fear TODAY!!! i hope your levels go up soon!!!

  3. This freaks me out! I'm glad they are watching you so closely.

  4. Glad that they are checking up on you!
    Sorry about not being done with the meds!

  5. I'm so scared of this happening to me, my RE didn't even check my progesterone after taking me off the PIO. I hope your numbers go back up soon!

  6. Good thing for check ups!!! Hang in there, its just some meds for the good of the babies :) hugs...

  7. Ugh, just when you think you can go panty-liner free. I'm very much thinking you're just fine. Just a belt and suspenders situation to make sure. Hang in there!

  8. You gotta love pessaries... I've still got a packet lurking in my cupboard for my next cycle. Glad you're doing ok though.

  9. Glad you got checked, and hope those additional meds help your body start making that stuff on its own! Glad to hear the little ones are doing so well!

  10. Progesterone,

    you terrifying beast.

    How we love to let you rule us.
