Saturday, January 26, 2013


Due to my anxiety about another possible ectopic, my doctor agreed to do an ultrasound yesterday...and we saw a gestational sac and yolk sac!  I am simply thrilled!  My beta looked good again, but based on my betas and my ultrasound it looks like I'm about two days behind where my last period would put me.  Next Friday will be the real test--the heartbeat ultrasound.  Please pray that we see that beautiful little flutter.

We have decided to go ahead and tell our families.  We would obviously tell them if we miscarry, and I think it will make it more real to me to share our excitement.


  1. Hooray! Not an ectopic! Wonderful news!

  2. So exciting, will be praying for a heartbeat but all signs are pointing to a healthy and happy pregnancy. Congratulatiions!!!

  3. Such great news! Praying for that heartbeat next week!!!
