Monday, April 11, 2011

15 weeks and a little news....

We are 15 weeks tomorrow!!!  I am so, so thankful to be this far along.  We had an ultrasound this morning, and of course were dying to know if the doctor could see anything as far as sexes go, and....Baby A is definitely a boy!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are not telling anyone in real life, but I was dying to share, so here I am.  I was surprised that our doctor called it as confidently as he did, but it was VERY evident.  Baby A was definitely not shy!  I am so, so excited.  My husband is the most wonderful man in the world, and I couldn't be more ecstatic about him having a son!  Plus, I am totally in love with our boy name, so I'm super pumped that we definitely get to use it.  It's my grandmother's maiden name and my father-in-law and his father's middle name, so it has lots of meaning for both sides of the family.

Everyone seemed to think Baby B was a girl, but there wasn't enough confidence to call it.  After doing some google imaging, I really think we may have a boy/girl set on the way, but still have a tiny feeling that Baby B will turn out to be a boy as well.  We have our next ultrasound in two weeks and should be able to tell for sure then. 


  1. Awww this is such great news!! Congratulations!

  2. Yay! How wonderful to find out! That is so exciting! Let the shopping begin. :)

  3. Yea, fabulous news! Congrats momma!

  4. How very exciting! Oh wouldn't it be amazing if you had boy/girl twins - would be perfect!!!

  5. How exciting! Can't wait to hear the name!

  6. Oh congratulations on being 15 weeks and finding out that you are having one boy!!! Hopefully you will be able to find out what the other one is at your next ultrasound.

  7. SO CUTE!!! Twins are adorable any way they come! How fun to have a boy/girl set... well, so long as Baby B turns out to be a girl! :)

  8. that is so exciting!!!

  9. A boy! Oh what a crack up. We are all girls here, my sister has 3 girls and I had 2... Boys fascinate me! You stll have one tbd, I love it.

    Thanks for your encouragement. I really appreciate it.

  10. Wow! That's so exciting! My b/g twins are now 19 months old! I can hardly believe it at times!
    I would love to feature your IF success story on my blog! Here's the link to the info:
    Thanks in advance!

  11. Hi there-left you an award over at my blog. Glad things are going well for you! I've just started stims for IVF #1.
