Monday, August 8, 2011

32 weeks

Tomorrow we will be 32 weeks pregnant...if you had told me in February that we would get to this point, I'm not sure I would have believed you.  Yet here we are, with a son and a daughter poking away in my belly.  We do have some concerns now, though, so the length of this pregnancy may be shorter than I would like.  Baby boy is doing great.  His growth has slowed a bit, which is to be expected with twins, but he is still gaining a good amount of weight.  Baby girl, however, has dropped to the 7th percentile (5th or less is considered growth restricted).  She is not gaining much at this point, so there is a possibility the doctor will want to deliver early.  We should know more after meeting with our doctor on Friday, and I am praying for at least a few more weeks.  Every week they are in my belly and not in the NICU is a little victory.


  1. Hooray!! Congratulations. <3

  2. Good luck at your appointment! I am so happy to hear you are all doing well!

  3. I was wondering how you and the babes are! Gosh, I hope your little ones get to growin' in there. No mom wants to have her baby(ies) stuck in the hospital! I dread this as well.

    Good luck and keep us updated!

  4. 32 weeks - woohoo! I hope Friday's appointment shows some good growth, and you get to keep those little ones inside you for awhile.

  5. Thinking about you :)

  6. So glad its going well! This is quite the milestone for twins. Wishing you only the best as you head down the home stretch!
