Friday, July 1, 2011

26 weeks

We've made it to 26 weeks with our little twinsies.  At yesterday's growth ultrasound, they estimated baby boy to be at 2 pounds 4 ounces (72nd percentile) and baby girl to be a petite 1 pound 12 ounces (15th percentile).  It's fascinating to me that they can be so different, that they are no more genetically similar than any other brother and sister.  Health wise, I'm feeling great.  No restrictions yet, and no real complaints.

I am reminded almost daily of how lucky we are to be in this position.  Just this week, a friend here going through her first IVF cycle learned that the cycle failed.  Thankfully it produced many high quality frozen embies, so she still has great hope, but it's another reminder of how all of this is truly out of our hands.


  1. I'm so happy to hear everything is good with you and the babies. Sounds like your little ones are growing perfectly!

  2. I am so happy your little twinsies are doing well! I can't wait for my own!

  3. Great report, glad you are feeling well!

  4. Congratulations on 26 weeks! Glad to hear the babies are doing so well! Yes, all of us Prego after IF ladies are extremely lucky!!!
